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Thanksgiving in the US

Alliance Easy English Blog
November 2018

This year, America’s Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, November 22nd.  It is a big holiday in the United States.

I was born in Hawaii.  When I lived there, Thanksgiving day was a big holiday for my family too.  We went to a relative’s house.  We ate with my grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.  We watched (American) football.

Every Thanksgiving, we ate a LOT of food.  Every year, my family ate turkey for all of the Thanksgiving weekend, from Thursday to Sunday.

Thursday night:  turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and vegetables
Friday:  more turkey
Saturday:  turkey sandwiches
Sunday:  turkey soup

Now I live in Japan.  In Japan, I usually go to Subway for Thanksgiving.  I eat a turkey breast sandwich.  I do not eat turkey for 4 days, and I do not watch football now, but I think about America on this day.

Thanksgiving:  感謝祭
a relative:  親戚
cousin:  いとこ
turkey:  ターキー、七面鳥

