Alliance英会話ロゴ Alliance英会話ロゴ


Alliance DVD Review for English Practice – “Seabiscuit”

This movie is about the real racehorse named Seabiscuit.  Seabiscuit was a very popular and successful racehorse in the 1930’s. It is based on a true story, so you can see American life during the Great Depression.  After you understand the story, you can catch some of the conversations. If you buy the DVD, I recommend the Premium Edition.

Valentine’s Day in Two Countries

As an American, Valentine’s Day is a special day. Japan has Valentine’s Day, too. However, Japan also has “obligation chocolate.”
When someone gave me chocolates on Valentine’s Day, I was surprised. Then I heard about obligation chocolate. The chocolates I received were 100% obligation, 0% interest.


どうすれば旅行中に英語でコミュニケーションできるようになりますか?My advice: お客さんであることを利用してください。