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New Year’s Resolutions

Every year, I make resolutions on New Year’s Day.  Usually, I promise to exercise more and lose weight, study more, and work harder.  Each year I want to do a little more than the year before.

Every year, I start the year with energy.  I work on my resolutions in January and maybe in February.  I usually stop by March.  Then in December, I look at my results.  Many years, I feel sad.

Last year was different.  I worked on my resolutions sometimes.  I did not work on them every day, but a few days each month.  I did not stop in March, like other years.  In December 2018, I was not sad!  I exercised a little, and I lost weight.  I studied a little, and I was busier in 2018 than I was in 2017.

This year, I made resolutions too.  I will continue to exercise and I will stay at this weight.  I will study more, write more blogs, and travel more than I did last year.  I do not have to do these things every day, but I will try to do them every month.

I am looking forward to December 2019.


New Year’s resolution: 新年の抱負
to lose weight:  痩せる
weight:  体重
to be looking forward to:  楽しみにしている

